The tacos fed everyone in my family! While browning the meat, I added salt, pepper, and diced jalepeno. I have read that cooking fresh jalepenos relieves the heat. I noticed the serving size varied based on how much meat filling you want to use in your taco. The taco seasoning I used flavored the meat like chili. I think for my next attempt I will use taco seasoning I have tried before. St. George, FL is a tiny island in the Gulf and grocery stores are extrememly limited so I had slim pickins. Other than the flavor of the meat, the tacos were delish! I don't think you could really go wrong with a Mexican recipe (since it mainly consists of tortilla, meat, cheese, and vegetables) just monitor your flavor and use fresh veggies.
- Chef Mimi
Dude! Love the "shout out" you gave me! Love you!