Each Month

Chef Mimi, a novice at slow cookin, will choose 1 ingredient (meat/veggie/fruit/herb) to be thrown in the crock. Chef Tiffany, an experienced slow cookin specialist, will then post a recipe featuring the ingredient of the week, challenging Mimi to learn new moves in the kitchen.

Join us
as we discover tips and tricks to getting down with your slow cooker.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Ingredient: Rosemary

We decided to ask our readers:  Which HERB would you like to see thrown in the crock?  Below are the results.


Since there was a tie, I chose ROSEMARY.

Rosemary is one of my favorite scents and flavors!  I normally use rosemary when cooking poultry, however, many people use this herb with fish, beef and lamb dishes as well.  The pungent flavor will enhance any recipe.  According to my research, rosemary is good for boosting the immune system, increasing memory and improving circulation and digestion.

Looks like we can congratulate ourselves for picking this herb!

Tips & Tricks:

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